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iPad & Technology Support

Technology Support for Parents

Please call for inquiries about technology and 

  School Level:   Ms. Donniece Mithcum, TIC -  314.241.7165

 District  Level:  Tech Support - 314.345.5656



Tutorials for Students & Parents

Please click on the following links for assistance 

Microsoft Teams

iPad Use



Khan Academy

Epic Books

Navigating Online Learning


 The Ames Staff thinks of our families often - especially our students.  During these challenging times, we hope that you are healthy and in good spirits.  Please continue to visit the school's webpage and our teachers' webpage.  You'll find helpful information so that you're abreast of school and district matters; able to navigate our instructional platform and aware of assignments and tasks for your children  to complete.  

 *Ipads Provided for all SLPS Elementary Students *

Ipads will continue to be part of our students' learning tool kit.  Parents must sign an acknowledgement technology contract for students to utilize and take their ipads home (for in-school usage, homework  and during times that the district may be forced to return to virtual/distance learning).


Ensure that your contact information is current.

You will receive reminders and information via robo-call and from school staff.

We will have scheduled times to visit our Ames VPA so that you may sign SLPS' contract for iPads.

Please call to schedule a time that's convenient for you if the following times present a challenge.  

We will adhere to social distancing mandates as parents sign for iPads.

Mask must be worn to sign your contract for iPads.

We will sanitize tools and areas prior to and after parents leave designated areas.

Parents that did not turn in district ipads or who have yet to make payment arrangements with the district's technology department, will not be able to sign a new contract for this year's student iPad.

Parents are invited to briefly visit Ames VPA to sign SLPS' technology contract so that we may issue an iPad to children when school starts.