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Timeline Toward a City Wide Plan


November 2019

Recognizing the potential need to close schools in order to reallocate resources, St. Louis Public Schools begins planning Community Visioning Workshops.

January - February 2020

St. Louis Public Schools holds 6 community visioning workshops and 6 roundtable focus groups facilitated by Emerging Wisdom engaging nearly 1000 participants.

May 2020

Emerging Wisdom presents their findings to the Board of Education.

October - November 2020

Dr. Kelvin Adams presents an initial draft of the school consolidation plan. The Board of Education begins considering the criteria used in the school closure process.

December 2020

Dr. Kelvin Adams presents an updated draft of the school consolidation plan, proposing the closure of 10 schools - Clay, Cleveland, Dunbar, Ford, Fanning, Farragut, Hickey, Monroe, Sumner, Northwest and reconfiguring Carnahan into a middle school.


The Board of Education holds a town hall on the school consolidation plan.


At Dr. Adams recommendation, the board postpones the vote on the consolidation plan to January 2021.

January 2021

Dr. Kelvin Adams and Board President Dorothy Rohde-Collins attend a Missouri State Board of Education meeting to provide an update on the transition back to elected governance. Both express concern over the number of schools in the City of St. Louis.


Board of Education votes to close 7 schools - Clay, Cleveland, Dunbar, Ford, Fanning, Farragut, Northwest - and reconfigure Carnahan into a middle school.

February 2021

Board of Education unanimously adopts a resolution in support of a moratorium on all new school openings until a citywide plan for education is developed.

July 2021

Alderman Jesse Todd introduces Resolution 65 at the Board of Alderman in support of a moratorium on opening new schools until a comprehensive city-wide plan for education is developed.

October 2021

Resolution 65 receives a hearing by the Education and Youth Matters committee at the Board of Alderman and leaves committee with a recommendation of Do Pass.


The Board of Alderman passes Resolution 65 by a vote of 24-1.