Latin II Announcements

Latin II Announcements

Welcome back Owls!

As most of you know, announcements are an everyday part of my classroom. I will be trying to mimic that here weekly. 

  • Tutoring is on Tuesdays.
    • I teach Latin and AP Psychology. But that doesn't mean that I'm not able to help you with your math, English, or any other subject. I will try my best to assist you, to give you feedback, and to give you needed academic advice. This will be available afterschool on Tuesdays. The final schedule and procedure for this will be announced within the first week of classes.
  • Office Hours
    • In addition, while I'm available by email during school hours, the hours that I plan to be able to respond live are from 8-8:30am M-F, 9:20-9:50am M and W, and 10:45-11:15am T and Th.
  • Current Work
    • I will be updating this page and our Microsoft Teams page with all asynchronous work (things you do on your own time). I will be clear about my due dates. Late work will be accepted (with a penalty) for one week after its due date.
    • Your other assignment is a life assignment. I want to see you again in person whenever we return to school. Please stay home as much as possible. Communicate with me and others remotely. Y'all are better at me in science, and you know how best to prevent the spread of disease. Please, please try your best. 
  • Please reach out to me
    • If you need anything at all, for any reason. My email is an incredibly effective way to contact me. Especially because I'm not leaving my house and am sitting at my desk most of the time.