
February 14 - Professional Development - No Students
February 17 - President's Day - District Closed

February Birthdays

Mr. C. Trotter - 4
Character Trait of the Month
Caring - Having a concern for others and a passion for an ideal, belief or cause.

Black History Month

Celebrating African/Black American History and Culture all month long!
3 - Black Panther Party - Wear all black
4 - HBCU - Promote your favorite Historical Black College University
5 - 100th Day of School / Celebration of our Elders
6 - The fight continues - Wear camo/black
7 - Diversity within - Wear different shades of brown

10 - Not all heroes wear capes - Who's your favorite Black Hero in History
11 - Wear African Colors - G Floor - Yellow; 1st Floor - Red; 2nd Floor - Black; 3rd Floor - Green
12 - Hat Day - Wear your favorite hat
13 - Fun in the 80s and 90s
14 - Valentine's Day - No School

17 - President's Day - District Closed
18 - Black Sitcom - Choose your favorite Martin Character
19 - Footwork - Show your best shoes
20 - Black Kings and Queens - Wear Purple and Gold
21 - Harlem Renaissance Era

24 - I Have a Dream - Wear your PJ's
25 - You are Beautiful - Represent your Beautiful Self
26 - Black Musicians - Rep your favorite Musician
27 - Black Lives Matter
28 - WE are a Team - Madison wear your gear to support our Team Spirit