- Soldan International Studies High School
- About the Teacher

Phone: 314-367-9222
Degrees and Certifications:
B.S. Computer Science & Humanities - Maryville University of Saint Louis M.S. Cyber Security - Maryville University of Saint Louis
Mr. Drew Simmons
Dear Parent(s),
I just wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself and let you know how excited I am to be the new Athletic Director at Soldan ISHS. I am a proud alumnus of Soldan (Class of 2004) and I’m excited to bring back the legacy which is Tiger Pride.
On behalf of the Soldan IS High School Athletic Department, I welcome all students to participate in our interscholastic sports program. Sports are an excellent way to help students develop physical skills, get exercise, make friends, have fun, learn teamwork, learn to play fair, and improve self-esteem as an individual. As a former athlete, sports afforded me the opportunity to learn life lessons from my coaches, as well as helped with my skills' development, time management, problem-solving, discipline, motivation, and team building.
At Soldan High School, our expectations are set. We expect our athletes to always act responsibly as they represent our school and district. Athletes serve as ambassadors for all peers in attendance at Soldan High School. To the end, a Soldan High School athlete should pursue personal growth through academic work, team experience, and as an ambassador of our district. Athletes should maintain a sense of ethical responsibility.
The Athletic Department strives to maintain an outstanding athletics program, conducted in a manner that sets an example for good sportsmanship. Our primary concern is the education of the student-athlete. We expect all who choose to participate in our sports program to be responsible student-athletes.
Our hope is that all athletes will take full advantage of the educational opportunity and athletic support provided.
Please remember that the coaches and administrators are here for all athletes. Our goal is to help each student succeed in life. Once student athletes graduate, our hope is that they will remain involved with the district as a member of the Soldan Alumni Association.
Kind Regards,
Richard “Drew” Simmons
Class of 2004.