• Soldan International Studies High School

    School -- Parent -- Student Compact



    Each school receiving funds under Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) must develop a written school-parent compact with parents for all children participating in Title I activities, services, and programs.


    Soldan Intl. Studies High School, parents, and students participating in Title I activities, services, and programs agree that this compact outlines how school staff, parents, and students will share responsibility for improving student academic achievement.  The school and parents will build a partnership to help children achieve Missouri’s high standards on End of Course tests (EOC), attendance, graduation requirements, and post-secondary education. The compact will be evaluated annually to determine its effectiveness with revisions made as necessary.





    School Responsibilities


    Soldan Intl. Studies High School Staff will:


    1.     Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the participating children to meet Missouri’s Show-Me standards as follows:

    • Retain highly qualified principals and teachers
    • Participate in professional development to increase effectiveness
    • Provide a safe and positive school climate


    2. Hold annual parent-teacher conferences:

    • Discuss the child’s progress/grades during Parent-Teacher Conferences held 1st and 3rd quarters
    • Discuss the compact as it relates to the child’s achievement
    • Conduct individually scheduled conferences as needed
    • Conduct annual IEP meetings (if the student receives Special Education Services)
    • Hold Bi - Annual Title I meetings (September and February) to provide information on Title I program/budget and the right of parents/guardians to be involved in their child’s education


    3. Provide parents with frequent reports on their child’s progress as follows:

    • Teacher reports of progress and suggestions for improvement
    • Send mid-quarter progress reports
    • Send report cards quarterly
    • Hold Parent-Teacher Conferences 1st and 3rd quarters
    • Provide parents with teacher availability to schedule one on one appointments 


    4. Provide parents reasonable access to staff, opportunities to volunteer, and participate in their child’s class, and to observe classroom activities, as follows:

    • Be accessible to parents through phone calls, in-person meetings, and scheduled school or home visits
    • Communicate the need for volunteers and assist  parents through the volunteer registration process/training
    • Provide opportunities to assist with specific events, ongoing school programs, help with grade level activities, and serve on the PTO



    Parent Responsibilities


    As a parent, I will support my child’s learning in the following ways:


    1.     Make sure my child is on time attends school at least 95% of the time (miss less than 5 days/semester)

    1. Support the school dress code and discipline code
    2. Support my child reading/studying and learning after/outside of school time for at least an hour each day
    3. Attend parent-teacher conferences and at least one school activity/event each semester
    4. Volunteer as much as possible by serving on the PTO and helping with grade level/school events
    5. Be aware of my child’s extracurricular time/activities and encourage participation in school sports, clubs, and activities
    6. Be an active participant in my child’s learning experience by reading all communications from school, responding appropriately, and sharing ideas for school improvement
    7. Regularly talk with my child about school and stay in contact with my child’s school


    Student Responsibilities


    As a student, I will share the responsibility to improve my academic performance to meet the Missouri Show-Me Standards in the following ways:


    1. Attend school every day and be prepared to learn
    2. Be respectful to everyone and abide by all class and school rules
    3. Study and complete my classwork and assignments every day
    4. Read/study on my own outside of school time at least an hour each day
    5. Share all notices and information I receive from teachers/school with my parents/guardians daily
    6. Participate in school sports, clubs, and activities.
    7. Set goals for my academic performance, graduation from high school, and post-secondary education
    8. Go to my teachers/family for help when I need help




    Principal signature                                                                                                                   Date




    Print Name: Parent(s)/Guardian                                    signature                                              Date




    Print Name: Student                                                     signature                                              Date