- Compton-Drew ILC Middle School
- About Teacher
Hardaway, Astra- 6th Grade Social Studies
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Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Astra Hardaway
Phone: 314-652-9282
E-mail: astra.hardaway@slps.org
Teacher note:
Hello, my name is Astra Hardaway and I am a sixth grade social studies teacher at Compton Drew ILC Middle School. My classroom is located in room 306. My aim is to create an environment in which your child will feel accomplished and confident in their learning capabilities. The parent- teacher relationship is vital to your child’s success in school. By working together we can help your child have a very fulfilling learning experience.
I am a graduate of Harris-Stowe State College. I have been working in St. Louis Public Schools for 30 years as a regular classroom teacher. It has been a delight watching and inspiring the many students that have come through the doors throughout my career.
Social Studies/ Ancient Civilizations
Course Description:
Sixth grade students will study the beginning of early civilizations. They will study geographical, social,
economic, and political foundations for early civilizations. Students will understand how social studies is used in everyday life and they will be able to apply problem solving strategies covered daily in class to work through real world problems.
Course Objectives:
Students will study the development of civilizations, including the areas of Mesopotamia,
Egypt/Africa, India, China, Ancient Israel, Greece, and Rome, Japan, Africa, and the Middle Ages. The study of these civilizations will
include the impact of geography, early history, cultural development, and economic
change. The geographic focus will include the study of physical and political features,
economic development and resources, and migration patterns.
Methods of Instructions:
Direct instruction, research, lectures, cooperative learning, guided practice, collaborative learning, pair work, question generation, error corrections, instructional videos, instructional games, manipulative demonstration, and online practice.
Learning Resources:
Savvas Easy Bridge
Course Requirements:
* Students are expected to attend class daily and participate.
* Students are expected to come to class prepared each day.
* Student supplies for class are a spiral notebook, a 3-hole folder for returned work, a steady supply of sharpened pencils, loose leaf paper, and the school planner for listing homework.
* Students are expected to have a charged ipad daily.
Grading Criteria:
Grades will be based on the combination of class work (20%), class participation (15%), homework (20%), tests/quizzes (30%), and projects (15%).
A 90% - 100%
B 80% - 89%
C 70% - 79%
D 60% - 69%
F 0% - 59%
Make Up Work Policy:
Students who have excused or verified absences will be allowed to make up any work assigned during their absence. For each day of excused absence a student will be given one (1) full school day to make up the work he/she has missed.
Homework Policy:
Students should expect to complete homework daily.