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Adams Elementary School
AESM Middle School at LOuverture
Alternative Education
Ames Visual & Performing Arts Elementary
Ashland Elementary School
Back to School 2024-25
Betty Wheeler Classical Junior Academy
Bryan Hill Elementary School
Buder Elementary School
Busch Middle School of Character
Carnahan STEAM
Carr Lane VPA Middle School
Central VPA High School
Citywide Planning Committee
Clyde C. Miller Career Academy High School
Collegiate School of Medicine & Bioscience
Columbia Elementary School
Compton-Drew ILC Middle School
Dewey IS Elementary School
ETS at Madison
Educators for Gun Safety
Success Academy @ Sumner High School
Froebel Literacy Academy Elementary School
Gateway Michael Elementary School
Gateway MST Elementary School
Gateway MST Middle School
Gateway STEM High School
George Washington Carver Elementary Academy
Hamilton Elementary School
Herzog Elementary School
Hickey Elementary School
Hodgen Tech Academy
Humboldt Academy of Higher Learning Elementary School
Jefferson Elementary School
Lexington Elementary School
Literacy for the Lou
Long International Middle School
Lyon Academy at Blow PK-8
Mallinckrodt Academy of Gifted Instruction
Mann Elementary School
Mason School of Academic & Cultural Literacy Elementary School
McKinley CLA High School
McKinley Classical Leadership Academy
Meramec Elementary School
Metro Academic and Classical High School
Monroe Elementary School
Mullanphy-Botanical Garden Elementary School
Nahed Chapman New American Academy
Nance Elementary School
Nottingham CAJT High School
Oak Hill Elementary School
Pamoja Preparatory Academy at Cole
Patrick Henry Downtown Academy
Peabody Elementary School
Laclede Junior Career Academy
Proposition S Updates
Roosevelt High School
Shaw Visual and Performing Arts Elementary School
Shenandoah Elementary School
Sigel Elementary School
SLPS Building Revitalization Collaborative
Soldan International Studies High School
Stix ECC Elementary School
Sumner High School
Work for Saint Louis Public Schools
Vashon High School
Walbridge STEAM Academy
Washington Montessori Elementary School
Wilkinson Early Childhood Center @ Roe Elementary School
Woerner Elementary School
Woodward Career Academy
Yeatman-Liddell Preparatory Middle School
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Serving students Pre-K through 6th grade
Our City. Our Schools. Our Future.
Our District
About Mason School of Academic & Cultural Literacy
Principal, Dr. Stacey Franklin
Assistant Principal, Dr. Duane Foster
Parents & Students
Health & Wellness
Community Resources
Family Engagement Policy
Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI Days)
Student Support Team
School Counselor - Roger Scherck
Nurse, Tina Lasley
Social Worker, Patricia Krumsieg
Family and Community Specialist - Nadine Poindexter
Alyxandria Holshouser - Occupational Therapist
Bohm, Secret - Kindergarten
Buchanan, Dana- SPED
Cather, Mary - Physical Education
Cook, Stacey- Academic Instructional Coach
Dmitrasz, John - 5th Grade
Flynn, Jana- Gifted Teacher
Gabrian, Cara - 6th Grade
Gregory, Lauren - 1st Grade
Hines - Maddison - PreK
Jenkins, Gregory - Music
Johnson, Delecia - 3rd Grade
Kelley, Brandi - 4th Grade
McNew, Ciena - 2nd Grade
Meentemeyer, Susan - PreK
Neuner, Michael - P.E.
Norman, Karen - Art
O'Brien, Shawna - SPED Resource
Patten, Taylor - 4th Grade
Piric, Amra - 1st Grade
Schallon, Scheilla - 2nd Grade
Soehnlin, Monica - 5th Grade
Stanton, Tracey - PreK
Tanner, Sarah - PreK
DiBello, Ashlyn - Building Substitute
Marshall, Evan - Building Substitute
Ridgel, Shamada-SPED
Baker, MiKayla - SPED
Rodney, Nuriya - 3rd Grade
Rodriquez-Joos, Stephanie - SPED
Velazquez, Megan- 1st Grade
Smith, Adrianna - Kindergarten
Kurowski, Katherine - 3rd Grade
Evans, Ah-Sharrie - 6th
Community Resources
How To Enroll
Mason Registration
Coronavirus Updates
Bell Times
Bell times
ESOL Staff
Kahmann, Jane - ELL
Fernandez-Gonzalez, Olga - ELL
Peters, Kelly - ESOL
Brazelton, DeBorah - Librarian Aide
Mental Health Resources
Mental Health Resources
2024-25 Accountability Plan
Mason School of Academic & Cultural Literacy Elementary School
Social, Emotional, and Mental Health Support
Social Worker, Patricia Krumsieg
Page Navigation
Mrs. Krumsieg's Virtual Office
Social, Emotional, and Mental Health Support
Student Support Team Newsletters
26 Ways to Regulate
A video giving you 26 different ways to regulate your body and mind when you're feeling anxious, overhwlemed, stressed, angry, etc. Give it a practice.