- Carr Lane VPA Middle School
- Meet the Teacher

Hello – After a lifetime working as a Respiratory Therapist and as a Marketing/Communications professional, I thought it was time to give back. Teaching in my hometown is my swansong career. This is my 3rd year teaching middle school. I have 13-year-old twin granddaughters, so I patiently endure middle-schoolers.
Carr Lane Visual and Performing Arts Middle School
Syllabus 2024-2025
Teacher: Ms. Bennett-Hart Course: ELA Grade: 6th
Phone: 314-231-0413 (I am available by phone: 12:30 -1:30 PM; M - F.)
E-Mail: Alisa.Bennett@slps.org
English Language Arts ELA in the 6th grade is all about reading for comprehension, writing in complete sentences, and giving presentations that rely on collaborative efforts and talents. Every student will have a book to read during specific class times and during downtime. Expect your student to have homework every week.
Our workbook is My Perspectives, Grade 6 by Savvas Learning Company LLC. We will also
read Articles of the Week gathered from past and current media and watch videos that are
relevant to the subject matter.
All mathematics work MUST be done with a pencil
Carr Lane VPAMS Grading Scale Grading Criteria:
A Excellent 100 - 90 Class work = 50%
B Good 89 - 80 Homework = 10%
C Satisfactory 79 - 70 Test = 25%
D Needs Improvement 69 - 60 Participation = 15%
F Unsatisfactory Below 60
HOMEWORK POLICY: Homework is an important part of a student’s learning. Since homework will be discussed and sometimes checked during the next class meeting, it is imperative that students set time aside to complete homework nightly. If absent it is the responsibility of the student to secure all missing assignments within 2 days and return to school within the time frame given by the teacher.
LATE WORK POLICY: All work must be completed and turned in no later than the week before grades are due. Please note the following dates per quarter:
- October 4, 2024
- December 13, 2024
- February 28, 2025
- May 16, 2025
MISSED TEST / QUIZ: Missed tests and/or quizzes may be taken if graded items have not been distributed. If tests and/or quizzes have been distributed, the student must make arrangements with the teacher to make up this work. The student must have an excused absence.
SPECIFIC CURRICULUM ASSESSMENTS: CFAs, CSAs, Renaissance Star Assessments and the Missouri MAP will be given during the following months: September, October, December, March, April, and May.