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Educational Resources

  • Loving 2 Read

    Loving 2 Read is a website that offers free digital books. 


    Starfall  is a website that supports reading. Students may only use the following links on Starfall:

    PhonicsReadingCVC Practice (What is a CVC word?), Fiction and Non-fiction Books and books where you can follow along

    PBS Kids

    PBS Kids offers free read along books.

    Khan Academy Kids

    You can download this free (and highly recommended) learning resource on Apple or Android by clicking the links. 


     Readlisten, and play your way to better reading. If you want to read books click read, if you want to listen to books click listen and if you want to play, click play! 

    Regional Educational Laboratory 

    Click here to learn how reading can be supported at home. There are also family activities!