- Meramec Elementary School
- About the Teacher
Watson, L (4th Grade ELA & 3rd Grade Science)
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Phone: (314)827-8542
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education
Mrs. Laura Watson
Hello scholars and parents. I have been teaching for 23 years. What is your why? Teachers are asked this question quite often. There are also quite a number of answers given. As I reflect on the question, I would have to say the top three reasons that I remain in this profession is passion, to offer encouragement, and the needed.
I can remember at the age of five coming home from school going to the basement with two young sibling to play school every day. It became to be understood that I was the teacher and they were the students. They struggled with this idea at first of me being the teacher. After a few trials of them being the teacher it became obvious it was my passion. I was able to help them with their homework and that was all the proof they needed that I was the best choice for teacher.
Secondly, I teach as a way to encourage children to reach their fullest potential. Sometimes the teacher is the only one the student has to talk about their long and short-term goals. Teachers must be there to encourage student to try again if they fail the first time and revise an original plan. Encouragement can mean the difference between success and failure.
Thirdly, the reason for me to be a teacher is the need. The need for teachers is at a record high. This is a national crisis. All over the news on any station are reporting stories of how school districts are using unprecedented methods to attract teachers. The need for teachers is great and my passion for teaching is even greater.
I conclude, I am passionate about teaching and I love to encourage students to achieve their goals. The possibilities are endless. The need for teachers is great and so am I am a great candidate to fill the need. That is why I am here!!!
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