- Meramec Elementary School
- About Teacher

Phone: 314-698-0473
Degrees and Certifications:
BA Degree Special Education from Southern University at Edwardsville MA Degree Special Education from Lindenwood
Ms. Jill Riley
My name is Jill Riley. I am a Kindergarten - Third Grade Special Education Teacher at Meramec Elementary School. I've been teaching Special Education for 17 years and this is my sixth year at Meramec. Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year!! I'm extremely invested in my students and their continuous progress. I hope my Meramec families are staying safe and healthy! Students have access to Iknowit.com with their individual assignments downloaded and I'll update as needed. Also, Freckle (looks like little pink pig) is another App on ipad and it's customized to their individual learning levels. I can see progress as they complete levels. Students may access these websites still, however they were used during the Pandemic. We are all back in the building and getting back to the way learning should be! I'm excited for this year! Please feel free to contact me via email, jill.riley@slps.org I am also on Class DOJO.
Why do I Teach at Meramec
Why do I do this? Why do I teach? Why do I
make sure my children are clean, fed, and have proper
clothing? Why do I do this every day?
I’ll tell you why and it’s not extravagant or fancy or complicated… I’m Needed! When I first started at
Meramec I was split between two different schools. I
knew right away – even before I walked in the building
and met the principal that this school was a special
place. I somehow knew before I even walked in. I can’t
explain that.
Then I begin to meet staff/students and I was
hooked on Meramec. I wanted to make this school my
home away from home. The friendships I’ve formed
over the years with some of the teachers are sacred to
me. I am blessed enough to work with the best co-workers on the planet!
The Kids! My Why!! They are My Why! I mentioned
being needed earlier. When I was at my other school
(because I was split between 2 of them) and my
Principal called and asked “When are you back here?” I
felt needed. That’s it. That’s everything!
My kids need me. I love decorating for them. I love
buying them new games and activities. I love their
surprised smiling faces when our class gets new things.
I love hugging them when they having good days. I love
hugging them extra when they are having a not so good
day. My students are unique, talented, and curious