- Carnahan STEAM
- Meet the Teacher

Degrees and Certifications:
Martin Mahr
Welcome, Carnahan Students and Families!
I am your industry mentor, and I will be guiding you on the pathway to a career in theater and speech making my official title your Drama and Theater teacher. My name is Martin Mahr, but you can call me Mr. Mahr, and I am a film professional with a B.A. in Acting from Chicago’s Columbia College, and I am working towards my Master of Teaching Artist at Saint Louis University.
This is my first-year teaching at Carnahan STEAM Middle, and I’m excited about this coming school year. I have been teaching in the district since 2018, and I am looking forward to continuing this journey. I have planned out our showrun, as we like to say in the movie business, and we will be producing amazing works of art. I own and operate my own production company where we produce films, music videos, and shorts across the country and I will be combining those skills into our lessons. I also have a background in visual art/set design and music production. My teaching philosophy is that I am here to spark, inspire, and CREATE change. The reason why CREATE is in all capital letters is that it stands alone in that statement; meaning we, as a class, will spark new ideas, inspire each other, develop amazing new works of art and change within ourselves and others.