

Degrees and Certifications:

Academic Probation




Admission into Metro is competitive.  You can be proud of yourself for the accomplishments and qualities which gained your acceptance.  We have every hope that your accomplishments will continue.  Remember, upon admittance into Metro, you committed to keeping your grades at a high level. Students who are not thriving academically will have closed study hall, be required to attend MANDATORY after school tutoring and Metro Learning Academy on Saturday as well as excluded from extra-curricular activities and athletics. Students will be identified in the first progress reporting cycle as needing multi-tiered systems of support if the student receives a letter grade of F in any course. If a student fails two classes in one semester, the student will be placed on academic probation. A family meeting will be scheduled for students who consistently (two or more letter grades of F) are not able to meet the academic demands of Metro to discuss other academic options.

·       Seventy percent (70%) is the lowest passing grade at Metro. There are no letter “D” grades.

·       Two or more “F” letter grades at each grading cycle will limit/prohibit participation in extra-curricular activities and athletics.

·       Two or more letter grades of “F” at the end of the semester places a student on Academic Probation for the following semester.  Academic Probation is lifted if there are no more letter grades of “F” in the academic year.

·       All failed courses must be made up through the district virtual learning program and/or in summer school. Credits must be recovered immediately A student will be enrolled in virtual learning the semester immediately after receiving the letter grade of F to recover credit. No grade below the letter grade of “C” will be accepted.