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Please click on this title to read a special message from Principal Miller.

Welcome to the Adams Elementary Principal’s Corner 


Dr Miller


Dear Adams Elementary Families, 

The elementary years are critical times of development for students and families, and I look forward to working with all of you to make this school year successful. We will make every effort to help your child achieve academically and socially this year. It is our goal to create an enriched learning environment that engages each student. Of course, we need and welcome your support and cooperation. You play a key role in the academic success of our students; therefore, school/parent communication is crucial.

As the leader of our Adams Family, I strongly believe that every child can learn and achieve the highest level of academic success with the proper preparation and support. To ensure a successful school year, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Make your child’s prompt attendance to school a priority – Breakfast is from 7:30am- 8am and instruction begins promptly at 8:05am daily.
  • Provide a supportive climate for homework and make sure it is being done at a regular time and in a regular place. Routines are great for young children.
  • Allot time for reading and practicing basic math facts with your child on a nightly basis.
  • Reinforce with your child an attitude of responsibility for learning and to respect themselves, the school, staff and other students.
  • Return all requested forms and documents to school in a timely manner.

Our instructional program will be far more effective with your active participation. Please encourage your children to be well behaved, on time, in uniform, equipped with the proper materials, and ready to learn. We, in turn, will prepare them to meet the challenges of the future. Together we will make this an awesome school year!




Felicia Miller, Ed.D.
