ACT Tutors

Simply Success ACT & Academic Tutoring - Mrs. Nanez-Hunt (314)-226-6794

Sylvan (KCI Enterprises) – (314)-721-6222  KC Carroll – ACT & SAT Prep, Homework Support, School Math Prep, Online 24 hour services

Kleitz Education Group – (314)-344-9010 Ask about pricing for Junior tutors - ACT & SAT Prep, Subject tutoring

Dr. Moss - (573) 886-9829 Meets at Lindberg Library - ACT Math and Science and SAT Math

Julie Moss– (636)-236-4960 Meets at Lindberg and Chesterfield Libraries –  English, Reading and Writing Prep

Webster University Saturday ACT Prep (314)246-7800, One Day session $50 and includes lunch; Please check their website for current dates.