- McKinley Classical Leadership Academy
- About Teacher

Phone: (314) 656-6130
Degrees and Certifications:
B.Ed. K-12 Cross-Categorical Special Education M. Ed. Mental Health Practices in Schools M. Cert. Multiculturalism and Diversity in Schools Missouri Ed Certificate 1-6 General Education Missouri Ed Certificate 7-9 General Science
Mr. Matthew Barbier
My name is Matthew Barbier, and I am the 8th Grade Science Teacher, 8th Grade Team Lead, Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band Assistant Director, and former McKinley CLA graduate!
I went to McKinley for 6th-12th grade before attending the University of Missouri-Columbia. While at Mizzou, I obtained an undergraduate degree in K-12 Special Education, 1-6 General Education, and a master's degree in Mental Health Practices in Schools with a certificate in Educational Multiculturalism and Diversity. This is my second full year as a teacher at McKinley and my seventh year as an educator overall.
When not teaching at McKinley, I enjoy spending time with my son, cooking, playing music, and reading/writing.
My educational philosophy is that I hold every student to the same high standards and expectations and will not accept anything less. In my classroom, everyone is welcomed and respected and has a place, even if for only 80 minutes of the day. There will be remarkable things happening this year at McKinley, and I am honored and humbled to be able to work with you all!