• Gifted Resources

    National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) supports those who enhance the growth and development of gifted and talented children through education, advocacy, community building, and research.  http://nagc.org

    National Research Center on Gifted and Talented conducts research on gifted education; their site is designed for researchers and policy makers.   http://nrcgt.uconn.edu/

    Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) is a search tool for access to academic articles on giftedness.  www.eric.ed.gov

    The Gifted Association of Missouri has multiple resources, including sponsoring conferences and hosting a gifted education day. www.mogam.org


    Focused on Information about Giftedness

    The Gifted Development Center & Institute for the Study of Advanced Development is a national organization that supports gifted learners of all ages. Provides assessment, support, and resources.


    State of Missouri Department of Education has information and resources on gifted education.  https://dese.mo.gov/quality-schools/gifted-education

    18 resources for the parents of gifted students is just as it sounds.


    Hoagies Gifted Education Page is a site full of resources, articles, books and links to help and support parents, teachers, and gifted children: http://www.hoagiesgifted.org

    Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG) offers support and guidance to the gifted community, through education, research, and connection.  http://sengifted.org/

    Kid Source focuses on raising and educating kids; not specifically about gifted learners. http://www.kidsource.com/


    Focused on Enriching Educational Games and Activities

    Sheppard Software has educational games and activities.  Free. www.sheppardsoftware.com

    NASA kids has onsite information and downloads, including podcasts.


    National Geographic Kids has information, videos and games, some promotional items. kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/

    Puzzles for Mind Challenges has logic puzzles, brainteasers, and more.  www.puzzles.com

    Kids Know It was founded in 1998 by a teacher in order to provide students with a fun and educational way to spend their free time. www.kidsknowit.com

    LEARNZ was founded in 1995 as an Antarctic focused education programme harnessing the great stories that came from New Zealand Antarctic science research. Includes many virtual field trips for students and educators. Free to join.  http://www.learnz.org.nz/

    Don’t forget the public library! Free online resources, downloads, online courses. SLPL.org


    Focused on Learning Subjects

    Library of Congress has many websites designed for young readers and for the whole family to explore together.  www.loc.gov/families

    Khan Academy offers academic help in many subjects and levels.  www.khanacademy.org

    Code Academy students can learn to code.  www.codecademy.com

    I Coach Math has detailed definitions, examples and video tutorials to help understand complex concepts in math, physics, chemistry and biology. May be fee-based; free trial possible. www.icoachmath.com

    Purple Math is a resource for algebra. Fee-based; free trial.  www.purplemath.com

    Massive Open Online Courses are free online college courses from top universities including Harvard, MIT, UPenn, and more; some options for certificates may be fee-based.

    Coursera: Coursera.org

    EdX: edX.org

    MIT Open Courseware: https://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm

    Summer Camps and Year-Round Opportunities

    Many local colleges and universities offer onsite programs either free or with financial aid.

    College Prep Program, Washington University in St. Louis: Free, three-year college prep program including residential summer experiences. Focuses on first generation and low-income students. Must apply in freshman year of HS. https://collegeprep.wustl.edu/

    Summer Experiences, Washington University in St. Louis: Wide variety of credit and noncredit summer academic programs. Need-based financial aid available. summerexperiences.wustl.edu

    Sam Fox Art and Architecture Alberti Program, Washington University in St. Louis, is a problem-solving studio workshop about architecture, community, and the environment for students ages 8-16 from St. Louis schools. Free.  http://samfoxschool.wustl.edu/alberti_program

    St. Louis Community College College for Kids: The College for Kids (CFK) program is offered by the Continuing Education office of St. Louis Community College-Meramec for gifted and talented elementary and middle school youth who have completed kindergarten through eighth grade. Courses offered are designed to challenge and advance a student's skills. Fee-based.


    Ranken Summer Academy: week-long summer camps; often free for SLPS students. http://ranken.edu/adventureacademy/

    Duke TIP: resources, camps, and more for parents and students grades 4-12. Fee based. tip.duke.edu

    Joseph Baldwin AcademyTruman State University: a residential 3-week program in which middle school students take college-like courses. School recommendation required. http://jba.truman.edu/

    Missouri Scholars Academy: Three-week residential program with a college-like experience. Apply in sophomore year. Free. https://www.moscholars.org/

    Gifted Resource Council offers year-round programming for gifted learners (including summer academies) and workshops for parents: www.giftedresourcecouncil.org

    GRC Summer Academies: Two-week academic sessions on various topics. Summer scholarships available for students grades 6-8.   http://www.giftedresourcecouncil.org/sumacad.htm

    Students and Teachers as Research Scientists (STARS) is a program funded partially through various private industries and universities in St. Louis.  It introduces both high school students and teachers to the various aspects of the scientific enterprise as practiced by successful scientists in academic, private, and governmental research institutions. High school juniors apply in March for the following summer. Fee based, but need-based financial aid is available. http://www.umsl.edu/~sep/STARS/

    Filmmaking camp sponsored by Cinema St. Louis with Webster University. Free. http://www.cinemastlouis.org/filmmaking-camps