- Gateway MST Middle School
- About Teacher

Phone: 314-241-2295 x22212
Degrees and Certifications:
B.A. in English/African American Studies M.Ed.in Secondary Education and Teacher Certification
Ms. Tawana Moore
Room Number: 206
Planning Time: 8:20-9:34 M/W & 12:46-2:00 T/Th
"For the 2024-2025 School Year, I promise to be diligent with the practice of providing clear expectations and procedures for effective teaching/learning in a setting that instills harmony for the teacher and the students. I will do my best to be patient and learn to "listen to understand" in all situations involving my students. I plan to promote fair and diplomatic strategies that will enhance high achievement for all learners. Using my "Intellection" strength in the classroom, I will do my best to develop critical thinkers and life-long learners. I want to be a responsible teacher with a servant's heart for the scholars that I encounter daily."
Biography: Ms. Moore is one of the 7th grade Language Arts teachers at Gateway Middle; she has been teaching here for eight years. This is Ms. Moore's 14th year in the district and her 24th year of teaching altogether. She is a product of St. Louis Public Schools-a proud graduate of Sumner High School: "Go Bulldogs!" She continued her college education at Saint Louis University and The University of Missouri-St. Louis, earning her Bachelor's and Master's Degree in teaching. Ms Moore firmly believes in a classroom environment that promotes learning with high expectations for all students.
A big WELCOME for students, parents, and families to what will be an exciting 2024-2025 school year at Gateway Middle. With all of us 'WORKING TOGETHER', our students will achieve success. Feel free to contact the school, or myself, if you have any additional questions or concerns. You can visit my website regularly as I will continue to post any general updates and new information. I'm looking forward to our year together!