Below are some links that middle school students can use to explore Science.
iWASWondering - This website is inspired by the middle-school-age biography series Women's Adventures in Science. Sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences, iWASWondering outlines achievements by women in science and provides a timeline; brief biographic info; and interactive games such as the virtual telescope, AstroScope.
National Geographic Kids - It's impossible to list all of the exciting features that National Geographic Kids provides, but to name just a few, there are high-quality photography and videos where kids can encounter animals and explore natural environments; links to encyclopedic references, resources, and homework help; and craft ideas, puzzles, and quizzes.
Science NetLinks - Check out the K-12 science education resources from the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Kids can tap into interactive and vibrant games, listen to podcasts, and get help with hands-on activities. They can learn about the inner workings of the body, understand gravity, and read science news written for young readers.
If you have any questions about our Science Department, you may contact your child's Science teacher.