- Central VPA High School
- About Teacher

Phone: 314-771-2772
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Arts in History for Secondary Education - Grand Canyon University (2019) Master of Arts in History - Grand Canyon University (2020) Master of Science in Sociology - Grand Canyon University (2021)
Mrs. Kristie Faulstich
Classroom: 205
Introduction and Philosophy of Teaching:
My name is Kristie Faulstich and I am a four-year Army Veteran and a social studies teacher at Central VPA. In my classroom, I believe that all objectives may be accomplished by understanding and practicing the three areas of classroom respect.
1. Respect for others - In the classroom, all students should respect those around them by abiding by classroom policies that are agreed upon at the beginning of class. By abiding by these policies, each student is allowing for a conducive learning environment that will allow all students to learn.
2. Teacher/Student Respect - This is the level of respect that should exist between the teacher and the student. In this mutual agreement, the student should respect their teacher enough to trust that the teacher is looking out for the students best interest and should follow instructions as they are given in class due to the sense of respect and trust that they have in their teacher. In return, the teacher should respect each student by looking for individualized ways to help each student learn according to their needs.
3. Respect for yourself - Each student will be expected to respect themselves enough to put their all into their work. In life, time is a precious thing and it should never be wasted. Each student should understand that their time is valuable and should use their time in the classroom to better themselves as a student and as an individual. To properly do this, students should listen carefully, participate in discussions, and always ask questions when they need clarification, do not understand, or have thoughts regarding ways to improve instruction.
When everyone in the classroom is able to abide by these policies of respect, the classroom will become a place of safety and effective learning. In my classroom, each student should know that they are safe and that they belong. Together, we can make this happen. History has its eyes on YOU!