- Central VPA High School
- About Teacher

Phone: 314-771-2772 EXT41215
Degrees and Certifications:
B.M. Music Business & Management, Music Production & Engineering M.A.T. Communication Arts M.Ed. Secondary Education, emphasis in teaching reading
Mr. Dresslaer
Room Number: 207
Subject: English Language Arts
Courses Taught: English 3, A.P. English Language and Composition
Planning Periods:
M, W, F (A days): 8:53-10:26 a.m.
T, Th, F (B days): 12:39-2:12 p.m.
Message to my students and their families:
I love teaching English! Learning how to purposefully read, actively listen, effectively write, and powerfully speak in our common language is critical for our existence. By learning from the stories and ideas of others, we can gain empathy for the beauty and struggle that is human experience. Studying the English language feeds my curiosity and passion for learning. My hope is that it does the same for you.
Although I have been teaching in the Saint Louis Public Schools since 2001, this is my second career. In the '90's, I worked in the music industry as an artist manager and agent. This second career has afforded me the opportunity to develop as a person and to become a loyal member of the S.L.P.S. family. The last six years, I have worked as a Consultant Teacher for the district, guiding new teachers through their first year. As a musician and writer, I feel very excited about continuing my journey here at Central.