- Roosevelt High School
- Meet the Teacher

Phone: 314-776-6040
Degrees and Certifications:
BS Mathematics and Physics with a minor in Chemistry from Missouri Southern State University (1990) MS in Physics with a minor in education from University of Missouri-Columbia (1993)
Mr. Kenneth Barnes-Science
Hello everyone!
I am a native Missourian who grew up in the Ozarks. If you look on an old map you will find my home listed as The Poor Farm, located in Hungry Hollow, on the banks of the Little Piney River, halfway between Clara and Bucyrus. It was a great place to grow up, and I carry a lot of its life lessons with me.
I have worked a variety of jobs from teaching math and science in small public schools to building houses, tech support, working at 2 of the 3 nuclear reactors in the state, and working as an industrial health physicist for 15 years. It was after this 15-year break that I returned to teaching and started at Roosevelt.
Roosevelt has been a hard, but good experience. It has been a bit of a culture shock for a small town guy who grew up in hillbilly country, but I get along with most of the students. I am old-fashioned in my views of education and innovation in the classroom, but I am slowly catching up with the current trends.
My two favorite descriptions of myself by the students are that I "have a Bob Ross vibe" and I am sometimes "too loud."