Instrumental Music




  • Students should submit one video of them performing two different songs. For example, one fast and one slow or two differnt styles. 
  • Submit the video via email to with the subject line Piano/Your Last Name- In your email please tell us about yourself as a pianist. List where you've performed, styles you prefer, and whether or not you read music. Please list your private instructor if you have one. 


  • Student should submit one video of them performing two or more pieces of music using chords and two or more solos or scales. Choose pieces that showcase different styles or genres, however it does not need to be a complete piece. Feel free to play anything that shows your ability on the guitar, no matter how unimpressive you may think it is. 
  • Submit the video via email to with the subject line Guitar/Your Last Name- In your email please tell us about yourself as a musician. List where you've performed, styles you prefer, and whether or not you read music. Please list your private instructor if you have one. 
Strings (Violin, Viola, Cello, or Bass)
  • Student should submit one video of them performing two or more pieces of music and two or more scales. Choose pieces that showcase different styles or genres, however it does not need to be a complete piece. 
  • Submit the video via email to with the subject line Strings/Your Last Name- In your email please tell us about yourself as a musician. List where you've performed, styles you prefer, and whether or not you read music. Please list your private instructor if you have one.