- Roosevelt High School
- About Teacher
Adeyemo, Sherif - CTE Business
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Phone: 314-776-6040
Degrees and Certifications:
Bsc. Business Administration - Marketing and Management MPA Master of Public Administration - Public Budgeting and Finance
Mr. Sherif Adeyemo
Office hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 3:30 pm
My name is Sherif Adeyemo, Career and Technical Education Teacher. My Career Pathways and Industry Recognized Certificate (IRC) this school year will be Marketing. I will be teaching Introduction to Marketing, Promotional Marketing, and Entrepreneurship classes. One of the things I am focusing on this year is the use of Guided Notes in my classes. Students will need to fill-out and complete a guided note for each chapter and assignment. The guided note will serve as a study guide for the students.
Each chapter assignment has a "Guided Note" in the Microsoft team.
students need to make sure to complete the guided note to show that they attend my lectures and read the chapters for each class assignment. The Gudide Notes will be average out to 100% points. Please complete all your assignments by the due dates. All students can reach me at the above Email address.
Visit my Team Application program to see assignments and updates. Complete all your daily and weekly assignments.