• SLPS is Sponsoring the Summer Food Service Program

    What is SFSP?

    The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) provides breakfast, lunch, and/or snacks to children in at-risk areas during the summer months when children do not have access to free or reduced-price lunches at school. Community organizations serve the meals at schools, churches, parks, swimming pools, YMCA facilities, Boys and Girls Clubs, and other spots where children gather when school is not in session.


    Who is eligible for SFSP?

    All children and teens (age 18 and under) who visit an approved SFSP feeding site can receive free meals. No registrations or applications are required. Meals are also available for people with disabilities who are over age 18 and participate in school programs for the mentally or physically disabled.


    19 and older meal cost: $2.00


    Summer School 2023 Food and Nutrition Services Schedule/Site Locations




    Contact the Food and Nutrition Services Department:

    Althea Albert-Santiago, Director, 314-345-4519

    Tenecia Williams, Accountability Specialist, 314-345-2308

    Saint Louis Public Schools District is an equal-opportunity provider.