•  CCR programs 2017


    A Plus Program: In an effort to enhance educational opportunities for high school students, the Missouri Legislature established the A+ Schools Program as part of the Outstanding Schools Act (Senate Bill 380) of 1993. Graduates who qualify may be eligible to receive financial assistance with tuition and fees to any public community college, vocational, or technical school in the state of Missouri, contingent upon continued funding by the Missouri Legislature. Students should see their counselor for more information. Students can start the A+ application and begin meeting requirements at any point from Freshman year to Senior year. Students must meet the requirements by graduation. Work with your high school counselor to start your process. Please click HERE for SLPS A+ Scholarship Application. For more information about A PLUS click here.

    Jobs for America Graduates: Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) is a state-based national non-profit organization dedicated to preventing dropouts among young people who are most at-risk.  In more than three decades of operation, JAG has delivered consistent, compelling results – helping nearly three-quarters of a million young people stay in school through graduation, pursue postsecondary education and secure quality entry-level jobs leading to career advancement opportunities. The following SLPS schools have this program Roosevelt, Vashon, and Sumner. For more information about JAG click here.

    TRIO-The Federal TRIO Programs (TRIO) are Federal outreach and student services programs designed to identify and provide services for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. TRIO includes eight programs targeted to serve and assist low-income individuals, first-generation college students, and individuals with disabilities to progress through the academic pipeline from middle school to post-baccalaureate programs. SLU and St. Louis Community College current service a few SLPS middle schools. For more information about TRIO click here.

    Missouri Seal of Biliteracy-The Seal of Biliteracy is an award earned by graduating seniors who demonstrate proficiency in English and any of the world's languages. It is awarded to native Enligh speakers studying a foriegn language and Enligh language learners acquiring English and maintaining their native language. The award becomes part of the student's transcript. For more information about the Seal of Biliteracy click here.