About Medications
this section pertains to students who need to take prescribed medications during school hours. We need a completed OSH 14 form as well as a prescription from the physician in order to give the medication at school. Please be advised that the child cannot transport medications to school. Any medications (prescribed or not) need to be brought to school by the child's parent or guardian. Medications found by students without proper documentation will be confiscated and retained until a parent or guardian can come to pick up the medication.
OSH 14: this form should be completed by the child's physician and pertains to medication(s) that a child would need to take during school hours. This form need to be completed in its entirety and also a prescription should be attached.
OSH 15: this form is for a student who wants to keep their medication on them (i.e Inhaler). Please note there are exceptions to this.
Over the counter medications: this form lists a variety of medications that have been approved by our Medical Director to give to students. This form needs to be signed every year by a parent or guardian in order for the child to receive medications while at school. If there is a medication on this form you do not want your child to receive simply cross out that medication and continue to sign the form.